Apply to Speak

We appreciate your interest in participating as a presenter to the ICF Charlotte Area Charter Chapter.  Please complete and submit this application to our Director of Events so we may consider your offering.  Should your presentation be selected for a future program, we will use the information you provide in this application to describe and market your program to our members and guests and to request Continuing Coaching Education (CCE), which are of great importance to our members.

As you complete this application, please ensure that you are providing evidence that the training:
  • Is coach-specific in nature
  • Is related to the ICF core competencies
  • Will help the coach to further develop his/her skills when working with clients

* Indicates required field

Section 1: Primary Presenter Contact Information

Primary Presenter *
Organization Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Email *
Phone *
Primary Presenter's Credential Status *

Section 2: Presentation Information

Speaker available date(s) and proposed time(s) for presentation:
Presentation Title *
Brief description of your program (235-word limit) *
Learning Objectives or outcomes of the session (list 3-4) *
Which of the following Core Competencies will be addressed?
A. Setting the Foundation
1. Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards
2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement
B. Co-creating the Relationship
3. Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client
4. Coaching Presence
C. Communicating Effectively
5. Active Listening
6. Powerful Questioning
7. Direct Communication

D. Facilitating Learning and Results
8. Creating Awareness
9. Designing Actions
10. Planning and Goal Setting
11. Managing Progress and Accountability
Select Core Competencies *
What percentage of the educational offering time is devoted to training directly related to ICF Core Competencies (instruction on coaching skills or ethics, or applying technical skills or ethics, or applying technical skills as a coach)? *
Which of the following delivery methods are feasible and effective for your content? (You may select more than one) *
What is the ideal length of time for your content? *
Is this a multi-session presentation? *Note: A multi-session presentation spans multiple days. *
If this is a multi-session presentation, please specify the amount of total sessions, as well as the frequency of the sessions.
List the handouts or tools you will provide *
For In-person delivery, which of the following items will you require for your presentation?
If other, please specify.
Do you give permission to ICF Charlotte Area Charter Chapter to record presentation for Chapter Member access and viewing after the event? *
Provide at least ONE of the following references:
  • If you have delivered this presentation to another ICF Chapter, please list the chapter name(s) and date(s)
  • Provide the names and email addresses for individuals who have seen you present in the past year
  • Provide a link to a 5-minute video clip (YouTube, Vimeo, your website, etc.) introducing your proposed topic
References *
Speaker Bio (150-word max) *
Attach a headshot - jpeg or tiff, 72 dpi