
Grow Your Business Faster: A Business Development Series: Imposter Syndrome – What It Is and How To Overcome It!

When: 7/20/2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Where: Virtual Meeting - Meeting link is provided after registering.

Part 2: Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How to Overcome It!

Are you listening to an endless tape in your head about not being good enough? Have you ever felt that you don't belong? Do you always over-prepare and still dread failing? Are you reluctant to ask for help, fearing you will be considered incompetent if you don't do it all? Do you worry that they will soon realize that you are just a fraud? Do you often doubt yourself -- despite your evident successes? Do you attribute your success to luck or effort versus your ability? 

If you are a high-achieving coach, chances are you can relate. Attend this workshop to learn things you can do to overcome your feelings of imposter syndrome!

CCEUs will be available for this program: 1 Resource Development credit.

This is the second workshop of the eight-part series called Grow Your Business Faster: A Business Development Series. It's the business development series for coaches that you don't want to miss!

This free series will take you from creating a business plan to networking in eight information-packed workshops, delivered virtually via Zoom. You can sign up for any or all of the sessions in the series, which runs from Wednesdays from July 13 through August 31. Mosaic Business Consulting Owner and President Laura Wagenknecht, MSW, CEC, CMT, is presenting this series to help coaches and aspiring coaches build their businesses.

Want more?

Here is the full schedule for the eight-part series. Click the hyperlinks below to go directly to registration for other events:


Meet Your Presenter: Laura Wagenknecht, MSW, CEC, CMT


Laura Wagenknecht, president and owner of Mosaic Business Consulting, has more than 35 years of professional experience and more than 20 years of executive experience.

With a mosaic of background skills, including working in hospitality, retail, healthcare, therapy, nonprofit, and higher education, Laura can relate to many issues and challenges facing businesses. 

Laura is deeply passionate about helping women and people of color become more successful in their businesses.


List of Attendees

First Name Last Name Company Guest of
Susie Adams Carolin Associates
Tracy Alexander Tracy Alexander Consulting
Usha Balasubramanian Dreammaker
lyn benjamin no company
Zeynep Berkol iyi Hayat Atölyesi
Emily Cameron Focus Coaching
Audra S Dunville N/a
Derrick Ehrhardt Duke Energy
Alix Felsing Alix Felsing Consulting, LLC
Carla Forbes Forbes SpEd Coaching & Consulting
Ashley Fuller Consciously Collab
Ambika Goel Ambika
Mimari Hall Hall of Lanterns
Margaret Haney Clergy coach
Kim harker Redbirdup Coaching
Margaret Henderson TalentWise
Mary Kamau M & G Consultancy and Mgt Services
Hussein Karaki Self Employed
Elsa Karman The Warrior Collaborative
Adam Knapp KnappCreative Coaching
Renee Lawless RDLawless LLC
Liz Leadbetter Taming Wild Coaching
Rebekah Lowe FizzyWork Executive Coaching
cosmina matei deloitte
Hussein Mourad Microsoft
Elisabetta Mroski CoachAgility, LLC
Chris Nesmith N/A
Godwin Nwaugha Ally Bank
Marissa OBrien A Way in the Mist, LLC
Joseph Quinn Queens University of Charlotte
Natalia Rabin
Linda Selner Vasquez Branding Your Passion
Isha Singla LYSB
Bill Spreitzer Excellerate Solutions.
Sara Stevenson S. E. Stevenson & Associates
Heidi Stewart Attorney Wellness
Rose T concert
deb turner Soul Searching
Deborah Turner Soul Searching
Laura Wagenknecht Mosaic Business Consulting
Kilby Watson Blue Bee Coaching & Associates
Katrina Whelchel Katrina Journeys
Zoe Zhang Amazon