Introducing The Coaching Forum: a monthly virtual and in-person coach support community
As part of our membership engagement and to support our members as coaches, we are introducing a new event series called The Coaching Forum. Our first in-person session will be on November 7 from 10-11 am at Rowan Coffee (66 Broadway). Please arrive early so you will have time to place your orders, find us, and get settled for an on-time start.
The purpose of the Forum is to provide an informal, respectful, and regular opportunity for our member coaches to share insights, opportunities, challenges, and experiences in a confidential, supportive peer group. Bring whatever is on your mind: enrollment questions, client issues, administrative obstacles -- whatever it is, we will support you through it. These are monthly, one-hour meetings open to new and established coaches.
We will adhere to the ICF Values of Professionalism, Collaboration, Humanity, and Equity at every event. We also will build an inclusive, welcoming environment that will foster safety, inclusivity, and belonging.
We do our best to end on time so people can know what they are committing to before attending.
Every meeting will have a designated facilitator. WCC Membership Lead Beverly Jurenko, ACC, will be our first facilitator, but this position may rotate. Our coaches may enjoy and learn from the experience of being in the facilitator's seat!
As this is a new concept, we invite you to join and provide your feedback and opinions so we can make adjustments as needed. If you have questions, please contact Beverly Jurenko at
If you will miss the Forum in November, please mark your calendars for our December Forum at 10 am on December 5.
Hope to see you there!
First Name | Last Name | Company | Guest of |
Beverly | Jurenko | Inside Edge Consulting LLC | |
John | Locke | Forvis | |
Michele | Stills | /the conversation coach |