
Western Carolinas Coaches 2022 Visioning Retreat (IN PERSON)

When: 1/12/2022 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Posana Restaurant meeting room
1 Biltmore Avenue, Asheville NC

This is an in-person event!


Posana Restaurant meeting room @ 1 Biltmore Avenue, Asheville NC, directly across from Pack Square in the middle of downtown Asheville.

WCC is inviting all our WCC members and affiliates to an in-person visioning session in Asheville on January 12, 2022 from 1:30-5:30pm.  

Kathleen Osta from Vital Clarity is our professional facilitator. 

This is a time to look to the future and get energized about what matters most to our sub-chapter. Developing a vision together that articulates our shared aspirations for the next 2 years will align our efforts and strengthen our ability to engage our members and affiliates. Our mission is to support our coaches and community, and we need more voices and wisdom in the room to continue to add value to you and your coaching practice!

We will be indoors in Asheville, and we will practice safe distancing. Masks are welcome but not required.

Please register here for this session BY JANUARY 5TH as we have a space limit of 25 people.

List of Attendees

First Name Last Name Company Guest of
Denise Hedges Business
Roxi Hewertson Highland Consulting Group, Inc.
Allison Jordan RiverStone Rising
Rebekah Lowe FizzyWork Executive Coaching
Rebekah Lowe, CLC PCC FizzyWork Executive Coaching
Sara Metzger Vista Coaching
Jim Parker The Mentor Connection
Terry Poling The Poling Group
Martha Pollay Mandara Hospitality Group
Amanda Shevette Soul Leading Purpose LLC
Michele Stills The Conversation COach
Toni Taylor coaching pathway, LLC
Jenn Urso Activate Within
Joanne Wright Venturous Coaching
Steve Wright Venturous Coaching