
May Professional Development: The CORE of Our Core Competencies (Virtual)

When: 5/23/2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Where: Virtual Meeting - Meeting link is provided after registering.

The webinar is a balance and blend of interactive conversation, engaging presentation and lecture, sharing discoveries and learning, advanced level training and (if we have the time) breakout sessions to deepen and expand it all.  

  1. We begin with a basic (and brief) review of the Core Competencies so they are at the forefront of our thinking and awareness.  
  2. Then we explore and establish which ones are the weakest and which are the strongest (everyone's got one of each) and also which one is the most important--and it may not be what you think. 
  3. Then we explore the CORE Cornerstone principles of our Core Competencies--revealing how these three factors show up easily and powerfully in our coaching, how they each enhance every single Core Competency, and make the markers easy to access and reveal in our coaching. 
The CORE is all things coaching. If you're doing this, then you're accessing all the Core Competencies and all your coaching skills. 

Typical side additional topics that often occur in the moment of sharing and discovery are:    
  • How the CORE enhances your enrollment   
  • How the CORE makes your marketing marvelous.   
  • How the CORE stimulates your sales     
  • How the CORE helps you find your clients       
  • How the CORE leverages your Leadership 
  • How the CORE makes every niche nifty   
  • How the CORE applies to assessments    
  • How the CORE helps you coach the uncoachable   
  • And so much more.     
Continuing Coach Education Units (CCE) units available for this program: 1.5 (1 Core, .5 RD)

Meet Your Presenter: Ben Dooley, MCC   

Ben Dooley, MCC Ben is awesome.  (So are you.)  And he's here to help you bring your awesome fully into the world. Through the bi-weekly and free "COACHING SKILLS FORUM" telecalls, "The Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching" Level 3/MCC advanced coach training program, his MasterFull YOU membership (packed with videos, audios, and more) or one-on-one mentoring, he is committed to stretch and grow coaches of ALL levels (ACC to MCC and beyond) into full confidence, full power, full range, full impact coaches.  In other words, to help you BE the MasterFull coach you are truly here to BE.  And your journey continues to deepen right now.       

New coaches will love how this clarifies and explains what they are learning in their course training, allowing them to deepen their education and also help support their coaching as they practice their skills with their clients.  

Intermediate coaches will thrive on the extra solid structure that provides complete support and clarity for their coaching, along with reminders of how they can easily and effortlessly deepen their coaching experience even further.    
Advanced coaches will go nuts over how this formula helps them not only get back to the basics but also deepen and refine their own already developed process and system.  In other words, this workshop applies and appeals to ALL coaches, regardless of training or experience, at ALL levels (from ACC to MCC) and ALL types--life, business, health, executive, relationship, leadership, career, etc. 

Ben is a playful provocateur who has mastered the art of inspiring lively conversation and deep thinking.  You can count on reexamining your knowledge and assumptions after a discussion led by Ben. - Maria Arnone, MCC    

It was different from other Core Competency calls in that it was very interactive and inclusive versus a dry, monologue instruction. - Karin Schultz, ACC